FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
These are selection of commonly asked questions we've received...
Q: What is the energy output capacity of the standard EMEG SYSTEMS unit?
A: We are looking at offering a model that outputs between 5-10KW peak for residential home use at first then offering more power at different outputs for larger applications such as office buildings and high rises etc…
Q: What is the cost of a standard unit?
A: The cost is dependent upon what the unit will be called upon to do. We invite you to consult with us to determine your need more accurately but a ballpark figure could range from $20,000 per unit (+/-) and up. Again, the price will be dependent upon the application.
Q: What is the life expectancy of a unit?
A: 20 years with recommended maintenance.
Q: What is the cost per hour of operation (consumables)?
A: Standard cost of electrical power per kilowatt hour in the area where the unit is installed.
Q: How many consecutive hours can a unit run.
A: The unit can run around the clock 24/7/365 @ regular load.
Q: What is the annual cost of maintenance including preventative?
A: Very nominal. Units have very few moving parts which reduces this overhead almost to zero. Recommended lubrication and cleaning every 2 years is standard maintenance.
Q: Can you make larger and smaller units..
A: Yes. This technology is adaptable to any scale from 1kw - to multiple megawatts of power.
Q: Will it be cheaper to build bigger units or put smaller one’s in series?
A: Again this depends on the application requirements. Larger units would be significantly higher in initial cost however; using many smaller units in series would reduce the possibility of total down time if any unit went down for maintenance.
Q: What is the estimated cost to install a single unit and how long would it take?
A: A single unit can be installed on a concrete slab in 1-2 hours time much like a residential central air conditioning unit is installed. Once in place the unit is tied in to the building’s mains box, started and good to go from there.
Q: In basic terms, how do the units generate power?
A: The actual physics of how the power is generated is proprietary for the time being. I can tell you that the power is generated at a 12:1 ratio.
Q: How does this unit compare with micro generators?
A: When scaled to size and compared with output we are at a cost savings of nearly 10x less than nuclear when scaled to similar power output parameters.
Q: How much does a standard residential unit weigh?
A: Currently around 350 lbs. With advancement and better binding materials we are looking at eventually 100 lbs for the standard residential unit.
Q: Nominate the easiest market to penetrate as you see it.
A: Residential home sales at first moving on to office buildings, high rises, hotels, sports stadiums etc…
Q: Does your unit record or meter power consumed?
A: There’s really no need to meter consumed power but if consumers wanted metering as an option a small modification could be made to allow that. Units could be made to order with the metering feature.
Q: Does your unit require inverters or converters to go from 110 to 240v power?
A: Yes. This of course would be a location based requirement but should production be in the same country as sales and use an inverter/converter feature could be included.
Q: Can EMEG SYSTEMS technology generate 3 phase power?
A: Yes. We can generate up to and including 6 phase power depending on the need.
Q: What is the energy output capacity of the standard EMEG SYSTEMS unit?
A: We are looking at offering a model that outputs between 5-10KW peak for residential home use at first then offering more power at different outputs for larger applications such as office buildings and high rises etc…
Q: What is the cost of a standard unit?
A: The cost is dependent upon what the unit will be called upon to do. We invite you to consult with us to determine your need more accurately but a ballpark figure could range from $20,000 per unit (+/-) and up. Again, the price will be dependent upon the application.
Q: What is the life expectancy of a unit?
A: 20 years with recommended maintenance.
Q: What is the cost per hour of operation (consumables)?
A: Standard cost of electrical power per kilowatt hour in the area where the unit is installed.
Q: How many consecutive hours can a unit run.
A: The unit can run around the clock 24/7/365 @ regular load.
Q: What is the annual cost of maintenance including preventative?
A: Very nominal. Units have very few moving parts which reduces this overhead almost to zero. Recommended lubrication and cleaning every 2 years is standard maintenance.
Q: Can you make larger and smaller units..
A: Yes. This technology is adaptable to any scale from 1kw - to multiple megawatts of power.
Q: Will it be cheaper to build bigger units or put smaller one’s in series?
A: Again this depends on the application requirements. Larger units would be significantly higher in initial cost however; using many smaller units in series would reduce the possibility of total down time if any unit went down for maintenance.
Q: What is the estimated cost to install a single unit and how long would it take?
A: A single unit can be installed on a concrete slab in 1-2 hours time much like a residential central air conditioning unit is installed. Once in place the unit is tied in to the building’s mains box, started and good to go from there.
Q: In basic terms, how do the units generate power?
A: The actual physics of how the power is generated is proprietary for the time being. I can tell you that the power is generated at a 12:1 ratio.
Q: How does this unit compare with micro generators?
A: When scaled to size and compared with output we are at a cost savings of nearly 10x less than nuclear when scaled to similar power output parameters.
Q: How much does a standard residential unit weigh?
A: Currently around 350 lbs. With advancement and better binding materials we are looking at eventually 100 lbs for the standard residential unit.
Q: Nominate the easiest market to penetrate as you see it.
A: Residential home sales at first moving on to office buildings, high rises, hotels, sports stadiums etc…
Q: Does your unit record or meter power consumed?
A: There’s really no need to meter consumed power but if consumers wanted metering as an option a small modification could be made to allow that. Units could be made to order with the metering feature.
Q: Does your unit require inverters or converters to go from 110 to 240v power?
A: Yes. This of course would be a location based requirement but should production be in the same country as sales and use an inverter/converter feature could be included.
Q: Can EMEG SYSTEMS technology generate 3 phase power?
A: Yes. We can generate up to and including 6 phase power depending on the need.
Due to the customizable nature of EMEG SYSTEMS to your individual needs we do not have a "one size fits all" sales page.
If you are interested in purchasing EMEG SYSTEMS please contact us first and tell us of your requirements.
We look forward to working with you...
If you are interested in purchasing EMEG SYSTEMS please contact us first and tell us of your requirements.
We look forward to working with you...
Rocky Connections LLC,
12185 Casey Lane,
Colorado Springs, CO 80908