What If The Power Grid is Taken Down?
Every seemingly insoluble problem facing mankind today can be directly traced back to the people of the earth not having the ability to generate their own clean electricity at the point of use. EMEG SYSTEMS can solve that problem most efficiently. NOW!
What If The Power Grid Is Taken Down?
In 2012, after conceiving several unique systems of power generation EMEG SYSTEMS CEO Robert R. Looman undertook a joint venture arrangement with engineers Lawrence DiFrancesco of Rocky Connections LLC, and his brother Louis DiFrancesco. Through their combined design and structural capabilities they have developed these concepts into working prototypes.
EMEG SYSTEMS intends on bringing to market the worlds first Electric Motor/Generator combined unit as the EMEG SYSTEMS ARC DRIVE. A 100% green energy solid state power generation system that will allow consumers clean, reliable, sustainable power generation in any weather, any climate, for 100% 24/7/365 days a year up time.
Along with this technology EMEG SYSTEMS will also license their products to secondary markets. With our proprietary coil designs and flat wire concepts, in addition other innovations, EMEG SYSTEMS will easily compete in any market worldwide that has need of power.
EMEG SYSTEMS will provide power solutions that should have been the norm a century ago. Their innovations will take power generation well into the future.
EMEG SYSTEMS is sourcing funding to take our new ARC DRIVE to market.
Options we are capable of meeting given proper financing:
Adoption of our products by companies and strategic partnerships around the world would further push the idea of a clean and green world by replacing coal, oil, and harmful and/or expensive product usage for power generation and motive transport. EMEG SYSTEMS products are cheaper to manufacture and as a result cheaper to purchase then any other gas, oil, or coal system on the planet. EMEG SYSTEMS has a higher performance rating than any other renewable source we are aware of as we can be entirely self contained and do not need to rely on an outside force as a prime mover. Strategic partnerships would go a long way to help green the planet as our one company can not do this by ourselves.
Since our inception we have endeavored to always have an eye on the feasibility and speed of manufacturing and scalability of those systems. This allows us to be faster to market then any other company due to our 60+ years experience in research and development and manufacturing fields. EMEG SYSTEMS will first start by proving a market ready 5kw unit for general sales and distribution and then evolve by adding products based around the same technology and offer across the board solutions to the many problems the world faces.
We are the company that will start a green energy revolution and prompt the planet for the revival and rejuvenation it so dearly needs. We will work to reduce carbon dioxide generation and fight pollution. Work to reduce electrical process waste streams, remediate super fund cleanup sites that are poisoning the ground water, and work on mine tailing remediation and secondary mining efforts to recover waste resource streams.
Please view our proof of prototype above. Our knowledge in this field is irrefutable and we are ready to start now to bring about a better world through our energy product solutions.
Interested investors are invited to contact us.
EMEG SYSTEMS intends on bringing to market the worlds first Electric Motor/Generator combined unit as the EMEG SYSTEMS ARC DRIVE. A 100% green energy solid state power generation system that will allow consumers clean, reliable, sustainable power generation in any weather, any climate, for 100% 24/7/365 days a year up time.
Along with this technology EMEG SYSTEMS will also license their products to secondary markets. With our proprietary coil designs and flat wire concepts, in addition other innovations, EMEG SYSTEMS will easily compete in any market worldwide that has need of power.
EMEG SYSTEMS will provide power solutions that should have been the norm a century ago. Their innovations will take power generation well into the future.
EMEG SYSTEMS is sourcing funding to take our new ARC DRIVE to market.
Options we are capable of meeting given proper financing:
- The housing market is a simple direct implementation for a 5-10kw power generation unit. We also have the capacity to scale these units to any power need readily, from light commercial all the way up to heavy industrial. From a few milliwatts up to gigawatts. No power requirement is of any significant import as we simply scale the units to the need without significant changes to our production lines.
- Electric vehicles are another direct fit for our systems. We can replace portions of batteries and scale the power usage of the vehicles upwards of 400-700% making the range of the vehicles 1000+ miles per charge making them cheaper as a result of the expensive batteries being minimized by utilizing our ARC DRIVE technology to boost the power supplied and the extended range. We are open to working with or directly competing with the likes of Tesla, Nissan, and Toyota.
- We are also thinking heavily about sea water desalinization for greening the deserts. Heavy brine will be a byproduct. These factories and processes are very power intensive and the heavy brine byproduct is a waste that kills costliness and leave areas bereft of sea life. We can scale our units to power the desalinization plants entirely and recycle the brine as a useful commodity for user products as we don't have the over head of power usage or the need to dump the byproducts making EMEG SYSTEMS powered water desalinization a hot commodity as 80+% of the worlds population does not have clean drinking water.
- Huge trans-oceanic shipping vessels and marine vehicles of all types can also be retrofitted or built new to utilize our technology to make near 100% electric propulsion a highly competitive option as it is a much cheaper option for companies and will allow the usage of oil and gas to literally fall to the way side almost overnight to allow for cleaner oceans as a result.
Adoption of our products by companies and strategic partnerships around the world would further push the idea of a clean and green world by replacing coal, oil, and harmful and/or expensive product usage for power generation and motive transport. EMEG SYSTEMS products are cheaper to manufacture and as a result cheaper to purchase then any other gas, oil, or coal system on the planet. EMEG SYSTEMS has a higher performance rating than any other renewable source we are aware of as we can be entirely self contained and do not need to rely on an outside force as a prime mover. Strategic partnerships would go a long way to help green the planet as our one company can not do this by ourselves.
Since our inception we have endeavored to always have an eye on the feasibility and speed of manufacturing and scalability of those systems. This allows us to be faster to market then any other company due to our 60+ years experience in research and development and manufacturing fields. EMEG SYSTEMS will first start by proving a market ready 5kw unit for general sales and distribution and then evolve by adding products based around the same technology and offer across the board solutions to the many problems the world faces.
We are the company that will start a green energy revolution and prompt the planet for the revival and rejuvenation it so dearly needs. We will work to reduce carbon dioxide generation and fight pollution. Work to reduce electrical process waste streams, remediate super fund cleanup sites that are poisoning the ground water, and work on mine tailing remediation and secondary mining efforts to recover waste resource streams.
Please view our proof of prototype above. Our knowledge in this field is irrefutable and we are ready to start now to bring about a better world through our energy product solutions.
Interested investors are invited to contact us.
EMEG SYSTEMS renewable energy technology will eradicate energy poverty,
energy scarcity, and grid vulnerability from the face of the earth once and for all.
energy scarcity, and grid vulnerability from the face of the earth once and for all.
Before we get too far ahead of ourselves, please be mindful that we refrain for use of the term "free energy" as far as the current definition of that term is concerned. We can say however that it is "super efficient energy" as you can see from the picture below showing the graphic results of the EMEG SYSTEMS ARC DRIVE performing on the lab bench.
Wind, solar, and hydro won't solve the problem and is but a spit
in the ocean compared to the EMEG SYSTEMS ARC DRIVE.
in the ocean compared to the EMEG SYSTEMS ARC DRIVE.
BENEFITS of emeg systems ARC DRIVE technology
- Eliminates wind and solar's diluteness and intermittency problems.
- Provides 24/7/365 grid independence anywhere on earth.
- Requires no backup to do the heavy lifting.
- Ideally suited for large commercial and utility scale installations.
- Instantly begins reversing global warming and climate change.
- Automobile range: Tesla - 350 miles. EMEG SYSTEMS - 800 miles.
- Charging time: Tesla - 52 minutes. EMEG SYSTEMS - 15 minutes.
- Humanitarian issues are our top priority.
- Will allow electricity to be used in rural and remote areas currently inaccessible by hardwire power lines.
- Will obsolete the 100+ year old technology currently in use.
- Ends energy poverty.
- Ends energy scarcity.
- Non-toxic.
- Non-polluting.
- No carbon footprint.
- Low maintenance.
- Low vibration. (Unlike cumbersome wind turbines.)
- Provides stable, self-contained, non-combustion, NON-PETROLEUM based power.
- Eliminates the millions of gallons of hot water required to clean solar panels.
- Does the “heavy lifting” that wind and solar is not capable of.
- Quiet as a church mouse operation.
- Will operate flawlessly in any environment. Even under water.
- Releases mankind from the artificial scarcity and dependency on crude oil.
- Cool operation. No 800°F concentrated solar panels that look like water to birds.
- Begins clearing polluted air immediately upon implementation.
- Functions in 100% harmony with nature.
- Produces energy in all weather conditions. Day or night.
- Self-charging car motor generator will have a range of 800+ miles compared to the Tesla Model 3's 260 miles.
- 15 minute charge time for automobiles.
- Guarantees that PPA and off-take quotas for other power (wind and solar) sources are fulfilled on time.
- Reverses global warming and/or climate change.
- Does the heavy lifting that solves wind and solar's diluteness and intermittency problems.
- Provides 24/7/365 on demand/off grid power to any region on earth to anything that currently uses grid electricity.
- Requires no backup (or storage) providing 100% stand-alone power.
- Can be scaled to accommodate large infrastructure, commercial, and utility applications.
- Impervious to EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) attack.
Solar and wind power is not the only alternative option...
If it weren't for U.S. Government (American tax payer) subsidies, there wouldn't be one single solar array or wind farm built on American soil. For starters, so far as wind turbines are concerned, the CO2 emissions from the tons of concrete needed just to build the bases to mount wind turbines on far outweighs any gains so far as reducing those CO2 emissions
Evidence is also mounting that wind turbines are causing various health problems for people who live near them. You will never see a wind turbine company build a corporate office building near any of their own wind farms I guarantee.
According to journalist and public speaker Christopher Monckton, a couple of other downsides (and there are too many to mention here) of wind turbine apparatus is that wind energy is very expensive to produce compared to the benefits. Environmental impact clearly shows that several bird species world-wide are being systematically wiped out of existence by wind turbines, some as tall as 600' with blades up to 300' wide. With an average lifespan of 10 years, how can anyone one in their right mind believe that wind turbines are a viable solution?
Evidence is also mounting that wind turbines are causing various health problems for people who live near them. You will never see a wind turbine company build a corporate office building near any of their own wind farms I guarantee.
According to journalist and public speaker Christopher Monckton, a couple of other downsides (and there are too many to mention here) of wind turbine apparatus is that wind energy is very expensive to produce compared to the benefits. Environmental impact clearly shows that several bird species world-wide are being systematically wiped out of existence by wind turbines, some as tall as 600' with blades up to 300' wide. With an average lifespan of 10 years, how can anyone one in their right mind believe that wind turbines are a viable solution?
Solar is no better. The photo above shows a solar panel array that consumes an entire parking lot, even though the layout could have been constructed so that cars can park underneath them. Now imagine a technology that would power that same-size hospital with a unit no larger than a standard 20’ size shipping container, and with no back up or batteries required.
Solar panels must be kept spotlessly clean and they don’t generate power at night. That’s 90% of solar’s intermittency and diluteness problem before it’s even out of the gate. According to available data, wind turbines are responsible for killing between hundreds of thousands of birds each year. There is also the increasing number of people living near wind turbines reporting debilitating health issues as well as the health issues of their pets and livestock. How can anyone call that sustainable? We know there’s a better solution!
EMEG SYSTEMS technology is ¼ the size of anything comparable, but much more efficient and powerful. Our units won’t waste acres of otherwise usable land with unsightly, toxic solar panels and wind turbines (plus not one bird will die).
Solar panels must be kept spotlessly clean and they don’t generate power at night. That’s 90% of solar’s intermittency and diluteness problem before it’s even out of the gate. According to available data, wind turbines are responsible for killing between hundreds of thousands of birds each year. There is also the increasing number of people living near wind turbines reporting debilitating health issues as well as the health issues of their pets and livestock. How can anyone call that sustainable? We know there’s a better solution!
EMEG SYSTEMS technology is ¼ the size of anything comparable, but much more efficient and powerful. Our units won’t waste acres of otherwise usable land with unsightly, toxic solar panels and wind turbines (plus not one bird will die).
Why WIND AND SOLAR Technology may already be obsolete.: The Ugly Truth

One must ask a couple of obvious questions: 1. How much solar radiation is being reflected back into the atmosphere from solar panels? 2. Could that reflecting solar energy be the root cause of global warming?
A recent article posted at DailyCaller.com reports that Up to 100 Japanese solar companies are on the verge of bankruptcy in 2017. That's just Japan.
This is due to reductions in subsidies which solar has proven cannot thrive without.
50 Japanese solar companies have already gone belly up during the first six months of 2017 alone. Twice as many as went under during the same period in 2016.
There is no getting around the fact that the biggest challenge facing wind and solar technology out of the gate is the intermittency and diluteness problem. This is because wind and solar do not deliver concentrated energy. Wind and solar as energy sources are in a word, unreliable.
Wind needs to be blowing and the sun shining in order for either to be productive. No wind + No sun = No juice. The fact that the wind doesn't blow all the time and the sun doesn't shine all the time is reason enough to determine that wind and solar are a waste of valuable resources for a world that is daily dependent upon reliable, ample electrical service.
This unreliability can be disastrous on many levels the most severe being the effect on standing PPA's (Power Purchase Agreements). During those periods of intermittency PPA’s are vulnerable to being breached. This is not good!
Wind turbines have to be strategically located in regions of (hopefully) consistent high wind velocities which in some cases may mean on the tops of mountains where the logistics and costs alone of depositing the manpower and materials needed for construction and subsequent operation make it an extremely arduous undertaking in and of itself where access is the first and most formidable hurdle.
It's no different with solar. Solar arrays, to be practical need to be predominately in arid regions where the sun shines most of the time. Solar's productivity and relevance diminishes exponentially when located in regions that have arable (capable of growing food) land that is for all intents and purposes wasted with solar arrays when that very land should be devoted to agriculture and feeding the local people. Not to mention the fact that the solar panels must be kept spotlessly clean and that's going to take water. LOTS OF WATER!!!
Offshore oil and offshore wind are even more impractical than land-based operations. Both require anchoring gargantuan apparatus to the ocean floor and stabilizing it through flotation pontoons. Each needs massive cabling or piping to transport and deliver the product to the onshore distribution facilities and each needs specialized amphibious vessels equipped to transport personnel and supplies to the rigs at sea.
There is not one stand-alone wind or solar facility in existence nor will there ever be. Why? Because wind and solar will always need something to do the heavy lifting. Backup. And what is that backup? Coal and diesel fuel.
Reducing greenhouse gasses effectively will require billions to be spent on technologies that have some very formidable obstacles right out of the gate. Wouldn’t it be more prudent to spend those billions on a technology that will provide maximum, consistent output on demand anywhere on the planet 24/7/365 with a zero carbon footprint?
This is why the term “free energy” is such a colossal misnomer. Sure the wind is free, the sun is free, and the water is free, but getting any energy it might produce into a usable state that can benefit people is nowhere near free.
Renewables, in their current state are not cheap. In fact, dollar for dollar, the current generation of renewables is costlier than just sticking with the fossil fuel powered grid already in place.
Which begs the question: With all of the billions of dollars already invested in wind and solar energy, why does wind and solar still only account for less than 2% of the world's energy? Answer: Because it's already a nonviable and obsolete technology. Unanimous consensus indicates that “The Grid” is not sustainable. The grid is antiquated, inefficient, and it cannot function without air pollution permeating the environment. Is any further proof really needed?
Despite all of wind and solar’s hype, the intermittency and diluteness problems must be mitigated before wind and solar has any real hope of replacing current fossil fuel grid power energy. And as we have seen with the diluteness and intermittency problems of wind power and solar power these will never be mitigated sufficiently to make any discernible difference. With such seemingly insurmountable obstacles, wouldn't it just make good sense to explore technologies that eliminate wind and solar altogether?
A recent article posted at DailyCaller.com reports that Up to 100 Japanese solar companies are on the verge of bankruptcy in 2017. That's just Japan.
This is due to reductions in subsidies which solar has proven cannot thrive without.
50 Japanese solar companies have already gone belly up during the first six months of 2017 alone. Twice as many as went under during the same period in 2016.
There is no getting around the fact that the biggest challenge facing wind and solar technology out of the gate is the intermittency and diluteness problem. This is because wind and solar do not deliver concentrated energy. Wind and solar as energy sources are in a word, unreliable.
Wind needs to be blowing and the sun shining in order for either to be productive. No wind + No sun = No juice. The fact that the wind doesn't blow all the time and the sun doesn't shine all the time is reason enough to determine that wind and solar are a waste of valuable resources for a world that is daily dependent upon reliable, ample electrical service.
This unreliability can be disastrous on many levels the most severe being the effect on standing PPA's (Power Purchase Agreements). During those periods of intermittency PPA’s are vulnerable to being breached. This is not good!
Wind turbines have to be strategically located in regions of (hopefully) consistent high wind velocities which in some cases may mean on the tops of mountains where the logistics and costs alone of depositing the manpower and materials needed for construction and subsequent operation make it an extremely arduous undertaking in and of itself where access is the first and most formidable hurdle.
It's no different with solar. Solar arrays, to be practical need to be predominately in arid regions where the sun shines most of the time. Solar's productivity and relevance diminishes exponentially when located in regions that have arable (capable of growing food) land that is for all intents and purposes wasted with solar arrays when that very land should be devoted to agriculture and feeding the local people. Not to mention the fact that the solar panels must be kept spotlessly clean and that's going to take water. LOTS OF WATER!!!
Offshore oil and offshore wind are even more impractical than land-based operations. Both require anchoring gargantuan apparatus to the ocean floor and stabilizing it through flotation pontoons. Each needs massive cabling or piping to transport and deliver the product to the onshore distribution facilities and each needs specialized amphibious vessels equipped to transport personnel and supplies to the rigs at sea.
There is not one stand-alone wind or solar facility in existence nor will there ever be. Why? Because wind and solar will always need something to do the heavy lifting. Backup. And what is that backup? Coal and diesel fuel.
Reducing greenhouse gasses effectively will require billions to be spent on technologies that have some very formidable obstacles right out of the gate. Wouldn’t it be more prudent to spend those billions on a technology that will provide maximum, consistent output on demand anywhere on the planet 24/7/365 with a zero carbon footprint?
This is why the term “free energy” is such a colossal misnomer. Sure the wind is free, the sun is free, and the water is free, but getting any energy it might produce into a usable state that can benefit people is nowhere near free.
Renewables, in their current state are not cheap. In fact, dollar for dollar, the current generation of renewables is costlier than just sticking with the fossil fuel powered grid already in place.
Which begs the question: With all of the billions of dollars already invested in wind and solar energy, why does wind and solar still only account for less than 2% of the world's energy? Answer: Because it's already a nonviable and obsolete technology. Unanimous consensus indicates that “The Grid” is not sustainable. The grid is antiquated, inefficient, and it cannot function without air pollution permeating the environment. Is any further proof really needed?
Despite all of wind and solar’s hype, the intermittency and diluteness problems must be mitigated before wind and solar has any real hope of replacing current fossil fuel grid power energy. And as we have seen with the diluteness and intermittency problems of wind power and solar power these will never be mitigated sufficiently to make any discernible difference. With such seemingly insurmountable obstacles, wouldn't it just make good sense to explore technologies that eliminate wind and solar altogether?
The alternative's alternative

EMEG SYSTEMS alternative energy power generator technology. EMEG SYSTEMS is a U.S. based company with CEO and inventor Robert Looman at the helm. EMEG SYSTEMS holds 17 patents.
EMEG SYSTEMS technology will safely, cheaply, environmentally (and profitably) do away with the intermittency and diluteness (unreliability) problem inherent in wind and solar technology.
EMEG SYSTEMS technology will produce constant state, 24/7/365 on demand usable power with no perceptible additional carbon footprint.
EMEG SYSTEMS technology is not dependent on the cooperation of nature like it is with wind and solar making EMEG SYSTEMS technology the "alternative to the alternative" when it comes to the future of practical power generation. EMEG SYSTEMS will function in 100% harmony with nature.
EMEG SYSTEMS units can be manufactured to accommodate any power requirement it could be tasked with. All the way from the smaller wattage size of a toaster, to the largest size capable of hundreds of megawatts in output.
EMEG SYSTEMS will obsolete wind and solar technology by providing 100%, 24/7/365 constant state, up time power output. Never again will PPA quotas be in jeopardy of not being fulfilled because of the shortcomings of wind and solar technology.
EMEG SYSTEMS technology will play a huge role in reversing global warming and climate change while extricating humanity from archaic 19th Century combustion (coal) chamber technology providing a clean, affordable, “off the grid” alternative energy power generator. With U.S. Legislators (and more countries following suit) already committed to phasing out and closing all coal mining operations over the next few years, this will leave the world in urgent need of a reliable replacement energy source. If we have to depend on wind and solar as this replacement technology we are doomed already! This has to change.
Investments in the new solar plants in India, Morocco, Uganda, China etc... are going to be a bust. Wind and solar will never be able to do the "heavy lifting" required to make any difference whatsoever. The petroleum profiteers need to come to terms with the fact that their run is in its death throes. Combustion engine cars that only get 30 mpg in 2016 is embarrassing if not downright laughable. Electric cars must be considered seriously if we're to have any kind of a future at all.
Human beings are the only species who have to pay to live on the planet they were born on. Since there is no way yet that has been devised to circumvent that, can’t we at least provide an energy source that is not polluting and affordable for all?
Yes we can! EMEG SYSTEMS will be that power source.
EMEG SYSTEMS is not water, biodiesel, petroleum, or solar based energy.
EMEG SYSTEMS IS the alternative to the alternative.
EMEG SYSTEMS technology will safely, cheaply, environmentally (and profitably) do away with the intermittency and diluteness (unreliability) problem inherent in wind and solar technology.
EMEG SYSTEMS technology will produce constant state, 24/7/365 on demand usable power with no perceptible additional carbon footprint.
EMEG SYSTEMS technology is not dependent on the cooperation of nature like it is with wind and solar making EMEG SYSTEMS technology the "alternative to the alternative" when it comes to the future of practical power generation. EMEG SYSTEMS will function in 100% harmony with nature.
EMEG SYSTEMS units can be manufactured to accommodate any power requirement it could be tasked with. All the way from the smaller wattage size of a toaster, to the largest size capable of hundreds of megawatts in output.
EMEG SYSTEMS will obsolete wind and solar technology by providing 100%, 24/7/365 constant state, up time power output. Never again will PPA quotas be in jeopardy of not being fulfilled because of the shortcomings of wind and solar technology.
EMEG SYSTEMS technology will play a huge role in reversing global warming and climate change while extricating humanity from archaic 19th Century combustion (coal) chamber technology providing a clean, affordable, “off the grid” alternative energy power generator. With U.S. Legislators (and more countries following suit) already committed to phasing out and closing all coal mining operations over the next few years, this will leave the world in urgent need of a reliable replacement energy source. If we have to depend on wind and solar as this replacement technology we are doomed already! This has to change.
Investments in the new solar plants in India, Morocco, Uganda, China etc... are going to be a bust. Wind and solar will never be able to do the "heavy lifting" required to make any difference whatsoever. The petroleum profiteers need to come to terms with the fact that their run is in its death throes. Combustion engine cars that only get 30 mpg in 2016 is embarrassing if not downright laughable. Electric cars must be considered seriously if we're to have any kind of a future at all.
Human beings are the only species who have to pay to live on the planet they were born on. Since there is no way yet that has been devised to circumvent that, can’t we at least provide an energy source that is not polluting and affordable for all?
Yes we can! EMEG SYSTEMS will be that power source.
EMEG SYSTEMS is not water, biodiesel, petroleum, or solar based energy.
EMEG SYSTEMS IS the alternative to the alternative.
environmental and storage issues

The photo at left depicts what renewable energy should look like in order to be truly green. In other words, renewable energy shouldn't be seen at all. EMEG SYSTEMS is extremely low profile, low visibility and can be ergonomically designed to be hardly any more noticeable than a standard home central air conditioning unit on the small end, to a standard shipping container on the large end.
Renewable energy should also be quiet. Depending on the size, an EMEG SYSTEMS unit will be as quiet as a church mouse.
And what's to happen when solar arrays are abandoned? These arrays use many toxic chemicals in their manufacture. They can't just be left to deteriorate and crumble into the ground. They will have to be abated. Who's going to pay for that? The same goes for the batteries.
The biggest upside of EMEG SYSTEMS alternative energy power generator technology is that not only does it leave no footprint, EMEG SYSTEMS doesn't require storage because it generates its own energy in real-time. Wind and solar, with its current 2% production capability will never produce enough useful energy let alone any surplus to bother with storage. EMEG SYSTEMS generates 100% power as it hums along eliminating the need for costly solar panels (installation and removal) and batteries altogether.
Even the highly acclaimed (and over-rated) Tesla PowerWall battery requires charging. Many feel that the Tesla PowerWall is merely a toy for rich "green people". Also of note is that the Tesla PowerWall cannot directly charge the Tesla Model S automobile because it is DC.
The PowerWall has to go through the inverter to the electrical box so it's going to require either solar panels or your utility grid in order to charge the Tesla Model S. The PowerWall can't do it directly. In other words, the Tesla product still requires an external power source to charge it. EMEG SYSTEMS doesn't. EMEG SYSTEMS units will operate flawlessly in any environment you can throw at it at any power requirement you can task it with.
And speaking of environmental issues, one of the other huge downsides of wind turbines and solar panels is the migratory birds issue.
Thousands of migratory birds are killed every year from flying into wind turbines, or from landing on 800°F concentrated solar panels thinking it's water.
A recent study was even conducted on a way to stop turning wind turbine blades when migratory birds approached. Seriously! One method that was proposed was to use a sensor that detected the oncoming flock and would apply the braking system. It sounds like even more wind technology down time does it not? At an already minuscule 2% those wind turbines can ill afford to stop moving at all. Ever. Can you imagine what would happen if you applied the brakes to a 10 story tall wind turbine with 3, 160' propellers whirring around with 2 tons of torque force behind it and do it quickly enough to prevent knocking a flock of airborne flying birds into oblivion? That unit would probably be ripped right off its foundation and bury the blades 10' into the ground.
The only way you are going to prevent birds from dying running into wind turbines or landing on concentrated solar panels is to eliminate wind turbines and solar panels altogether. The death of even one bird obliterates any notion of green.
Any consumer or business that flips a switch, uses gasoline, plugs into solar power, wind turbine or draws power from a utility grid will benefit from EMEG SYSTEMS alternative energy power generator technology.
With the constant fluctuation of crude oil prices and the cost of gas for cars and trucks inching ever upwards an EMEG SYSTEMS alternative energy power source would eliminate these issues by providing a stable, self-contained, non-combustion, NON-PETROLEUM based power source with zero carbon footprint.
Residential grid power costs are on the rise and are approaching $500 per month in some parts of the world during periods of heavy use. In Germany, "energy poverty" is a phrase that was coined for people who can't afford to pay their energy bills. The commercial sector is 3 to 4 times more than is the $500 per month residential sector figure.
Many people living on fixed incomes all too often find themselves struggling to make ends meet and are in many instances forced to make decisions between buying food or paying ever increasing energy bills. This is unacceptable. EMEG SYSTEMS believes that this is not a choice anyone born on this planet should ever have to make.
EMEG SYSTEMS renewable energy power source can be manufactured to power anything from portable emergency generators, to entire homes and office buildings, hospitals, automobiles, trucks, trains and even luxury ocean and airliners.
EMEG SYSTEMS will obsolete fossil fuel, wind and solar technology within 10 years of implementation.
EMEG SYSTEMS will eliminate the grid utterly!
Renewable energy should also be quiet. Depending on the size, an EMEG SYSTEMS unit will be as quiet as a church mouse.
And what's to happen when solar arrays are abandoned? These arrays use many toxic chemicals in their manufacture. They can't just be left to deteriorate and crumble into the ground. They will have to be abated. Who's going to pay for that? The same goes for the batteries.
The biggest upside of EMEG SYSTEMS alternative energy power generator technology is that not only does it leave no footprint, EMEG SYSTEMS doesn't require storage because it generates its own energy in real-time. Wind and solar, with its current 2% production capability will never produce enough useful energy let alone any surplus to bother with storage. EMEG SYSTEMS generates 100% power as it hums along eliminating the need for costly solar panels (installation and removal) and batteries altogether.
Even the highly acclaimed (and over-rated) Tesla PowerWall battery requires charging. Many feel that the Tesla PowerWall is merely a toy for rich "green people". Also of note is that the Tesla PowerWall cannot directly charge the Tesla Model S automobile because it is DC.
The PowerWall has to go through the inverter to the electrical box so it's going to require either solar panels or your utility grid in order to charge the Tesla Model S. The PowerWall can't do it directly. In other words, the Tesla product still requires an external power source to charge it. EMEG SYSTEMS doesn't. EMEG SYSTEMS units will operate flawlessly in any environment you can throw at it at any power requirement you can task it with.
And speaking of environmental issues, one of the other huge downsides of wind turbines and solar panels is the migratory birds issue.
Thousands of migratory birds are killed every year from flying into wind turbines, or from landing on 800°F concentrated solar panels thinking it's water.
A recent study was even conducted on a way to stop turning wind turbine blades when migratory birds approached. Seriously! One method that was proposed was to use a sensor that detected the oncoming flock and would apply the braking system. It sounds like even more wind technology down time does it not? At an already minuscule 2% those wind turbines can ill afford to stop moving at all. Ever. Can you imagine what would happen if you applied the brakes to a 10 story tall wind turbine with 3, 160' propellers whirring around with 2 tons of torque force behind it and do it quickly enough to prevent knocking a flock of airborne flying birds into oblivion? That unit would probably be ripped right off its foundation and bury the blades 10' into the ground.
The only way you are going to prevent birds from dying running into wind turbines or landing on concentrated solar panels is to eliminate wind turbines and solar panels altogether. The death of even one bird obliterates any notion of green.
Any consumer or business that flips a switch, uses gasoline, plugs into solar power, wind turbine or draws power from a utility grid will benefit from EMEG SYSTEMS alternative energy power generator technology.
With the constant fluctuation of crude oil prices and the cost of gas for cars and trucks inching ever upwards an EMEG SYSTEMS alternative energy power source would eliminate these issues by providing a stable, self-contained, non-combustion, NON-PETROLEUM based power source with zero carbon footprint.
Residential grid power costs are on the rise and are approaching $500 per month in some parts of the world during periods of heavy use. In Germany, "energy poverty" is a phrase that was coined for people who can't afford to pay their energy bills. The commercial sector is 3 to 4 times more than is the $500 per month residential sector figure.
Many people living on fixed incomes all too often find themselves struggling to make ends meet and are in many instances forced to make decisions between buying food or paying ever increasing energy bills. This is unacceptable. EMEG SYSTEMS believes that this is not a choice anyone born on this planet should ever have to make.
EMEG SYSTEMS renewable energy power source can be manufactured to power anything from portable emergency generators, to entire homes and office buildings, hospitals, automobiles, trucks, trains and even luxury ocean and airliners.
EMEG SYSTEMS will obsolete fossil fuel, wind and solar technology within 10 years of implementation.
EMEG SYSTEMS will eliminate the grid utterly!
Unlike with wind turbines, no migratory birds will be harmed by EMEG SYSTEMS... Ever!
EMP - The electrical grid's Worst Nightmare

President Donald Trump has pledged to make protection of the grid one of his top priorities. All well and good. However, anything the government would be able to do to that end would never be sufficient because it involves protecting 150 year old technology. Once again government shortsightedness misses the point entirely: We don't need to protect the grid. We need is a grid that doesn't need protecting. EMEG SYSTEMS is the solution.
If you don't know what an EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) attack is, if we were ever hit by one you'd know what it is. An EMP wave occurs from the detonation of a nuclear weapon. The resulting electro-magnetic discharge would wipe out our entire infrastructure including all electrical and communications systems instantly and utterly. It is technology's #1 nightmare. Within 12 months of an EMP event, 60 to 90 percent of the U.S. population would likely perish from starvation, disease, and the breakdown of societal structures as we know them.
Heaven forbid that a nuclear weapon be detonated at high-altitude. Such an event would generate an electromagnetic pulse of such magnitude that it would be capable of causing a near extinction catastrophe. Damage and loss across the entire United States and into Canada as well as Mexico would devastating. That can all be avoided.
If you don't know what an EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) attack is, if we were ever hit by one you'd know what it is. An EMP wave occurs from the detonation of a nuclear weapon. The resulting electro-magnetic discharge would wipe out our entire infrastructure including all electrical and communications systems instantly and utterly. It is technology's #1 nightmare. Within 12 months of an EMP event, 60 to 90 percent of the U.S. population would likely perish from starvation, disease, and the breakdown of societal structures as we know them.
Heaven forbid that a nuclear weapon be detonated at high-altitude. Such an event would generate an electromagnetic pulse of such magnitude that it would be capable of causing a near extinction catastrophe. Damage and loss across the entire United States and into Canada as well as Mexico would devastating. That can all be avoided.
Low Noise * Low Vibration * Low Maintenance * Low Shock Hazard * High Energy

Desperate People in China Are Buying Cans of Air Imported From Canada.
The photo at left Beijing, China. Daytime.
China can't breathe! China generates 80% of its electricity from coal, the least “climate friendly” fossil fuel. Solving the issue of coal-fired power will be central to reducing China’s emissions growth. EMEG SYSTEMS technology could clear Beijing's air within 10 years with proper implementation.
The photo at left Beijing, China. Daytime.
China can't breathe! China generates 80% of its electricity from coal, the least “climate friendly” fossil fuel. Solving the issue of coal-fired power will be central to reducing China’s emissions growth. EMEG SYSTEMS technology could clear Beijing's air within 10 years with proper implementation.

Like China, 59% of India's electricity is generated from coal-fired plants.
Neither China nor India can hold a candle to South Africa's grid 92% of which is generated from coal. When these grids goes down backup generators use diesel fuel. Australia comes in at 76%.
Neither China nor India can hold a candle to South Africa's grid 92% of which is generated from coal. When these grids goes down backup generators use diesel fuel. Australia comes in at 76%.
© 2020 Randy Wayne Fricke, A.R.